Melinda Gray Ardia Environmental Foundation (MGAEF): Inviting applications for ‘grant’ to contribute to the development, implementation and/or field testing of environmental curricula

Funding brief: The Foundation seeks to contribute to the development, implementation and/or field testing of environmental curricula that meet the mission, goals and requirements below.

Grant Mission: The mission of our grant program is to support educators in developing and implementing holistic environmental curricula that:
● Integrate field activities and classroom teaching, and
● Incorporate basic ecological principles and problem solving.

Grant Goals: They have developed our grant program with the following goals:
● To empower and encourage students to become involved in solving environmental and social problems
● To promote thoughtful and appropriate analysis and understanding of the natural world
● To train students as informed decision makers through the emphasis and application of basic ecological principles.

Grant Requirements: To be awarded a grant, environmental curricula must:
● Show a holistic approach
● Strive to synthesize multiple levels of learning (facts, concepts, principles)
● Include experiential integrated learning and problem solving
● Be founded on basic scientific principles, including hypothesis testing and experimental design
● Incorporate basic ecological principles and field environmental activities within a primary or secondary school setting
● Present controversial issues objectively, stressing the development of individual student opinions

Donor Name: Melinda Gray Ardia Environmental Foundation (MGAEF)
Funding name: No specific fund name

● The last day for pre-proposals is October, 2nd, 2018.
● Full proposals are due October, 19th, 2018.

Funding details link: Click to view

Funding limit: They give grants of up to $1500. If the MGAEF contribution will be part of a larger requirement, include the total budget of the project indicating what our funds will support. If your total budget exceeds $1500, as many projects do, it is important to:
● State whether you have obtained or applied for additional funds
● Give an honest appraisal of whether the project can succeed without these additional funds but with our $1500 grant.

Special Notes: Please contact with the donor directly for further clarification and understanding.

Project start date: N//A
Project duration: N//A

Eligible organization: As below

● Consideration for funds from The Melinda Gray Ardia Environmental Foundation is available to everyone regardless of race, gender, religion, national origin, age, handicap, or sexual orientation.
● Any organization is eligible to apply… schools, non-profits, governmental agencies and others. The only criterion is that we can only provide funds to an organization not to an individual. If you are self-employed, you need to find a sponsoring organization.
● They fund organizations across the globe, for example in Kenya, Guatemala, Chile and Bangladesh.

Eligible Country: No country bar found (Open to all regions)

Submission mail: Not found

Other important link:
● Apply:Click to view
● About: Click to view

How to apply: Applications will occur in two steps:
● A single page “PRE-PROPOSAL” should be submitted via a google form(see below). The last day for pre-proposals is October 2, 2018.
● The pre-proposal will summarize the application. An application form is hereThe pre-proposal must not exceed one page.
● Pre-proposals can be submitted at any time: you will receive notification of whether you can proceed to the full proposal stage within a week or so after you send your pre-proposal.
● Pre-proposals must be submitted using a google form here – note you will upload your completed application in this form. It is strongly preferred that you submit the proposal as a PDF. You can easily convert your word document to pdf format at
● Please use a descriptive file name that is specific to your project and if possible include the year and the word preproposal. For example “Vermont Coyote Searchers Preproposal 2010.pdf”. Remember, you might only have one file called MGAEF preposal.pdf file, but we receive dozens of similarly named files.
● A letter of endorsement that convinces us that the curriculum (or equivalent) will be implemented. Generally this is from the science supervisor and principal of the school involved. If other partners are involved, letters from these sources are requested. If you work with many schools, letters from them all are not required.
● Resumés of key individuals involved. This is your chance to convince us that you can do what you propose to do.

Visit all Funding opportunities: Click to view
Visit all funding categories:  Click to view

Facebook page-Fund for Bangladesh



  1. Mr. Vinsensius Simau · · Reply

    We feel interest with the Environment Curricula Grant. We are from Indonesia. We want to know, that can we apply this grant too ? Thank you very much for your information.


    1. Please check the eligibility section. You can apply if you are eligible as per the requirement of the donor. In case of further clarification, please contact with the donor directly. Thanks for your query.


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